Thursday, July 23, 2009


High grade vein deposit at 450-620 feet deep continues beyond the property boundary. Mining can continue to follow the vein deposit since the surrounding property is also owned by the mine owner and offers step-out mining at a 6 percent royalty.

Mine Owner believes the best, most efficient and most economical way to mine the Gold Mine is to start at the Surface Outcrop of the High Grade Silver-Gold Vein, excavate the existing glory hole and follow the veining down to depth with underground mining, refer to section drawing of Lower Deposit at approx 450'-620' deep in this prospectus video:

After approx 2 years of underground mining, the income from the vein could yield enough profit to begin the mining of the disseminated deposit with an open pit and heap-leach, refer to the Upper Deposit in the section drawing in the prospectus video.

The miner believes there is potential to discover a bonanza in the high grade vein deposit, see the last image in this on-line video with the geological map of the high grade vein indicated with a red color and labeled as a fissure vein. The red zone is extends approx 1-1/2 miles from this mine and to another mine with historical records of significant gold recovery. 6% step-out drilling royalty to the miner to follow the vein.

Please note in the last image of the prospectus video - the geological map that indicates a material denoted by a red color as created from a "Fissure Vein". That Vein can be followed in the trend by paying a 6% royalty to Mine Owner as he owns adjoining patent properties and has lease to BLM property that extends to another historic Mine were there was significant historic gold production involving that vein.

There are two (2) deposits in the patent property of The Gold Mine:
1. High Grade Vein: 400-500 ft deep with a branch to a surface outcrop.
2. Disseminated: near surface to approx 250 ft.
Refer to section, photos, drill fences, assay tables in the first video.

Assay tables refer only to the Disseminated Deposit - the only source for the evaluation of the sale price. The high grade vein type deposit needs more exploratory drilling to determine an estimated ore body value, hence it is not a part of the sale price. If Mine Owner does the work of drilling the high grade vein he may keep the mine or sell it for a higher price. The small mine owner has no interest in large operations with large volume disseminated heap-leach mining.

Mine Owner can also be contracted for milling.

Table of Contents
I. Video of Excerpts from Prospectus - Maps, Tables, Mine Photos
II. Statement Excerpts from the Seller's Offering Booklet
II. Summaries
IV. Video of Vicinity in Central Nevada
V. Vicinity Photos

I. Excerpt from the Offering Booklet
Resource Value: 159,000 oz of gold in disseminated deposit
(11,176,000 tons grading .014 - .027 OPT Au)
$131,970,000.00 if estimated at $830 per oz.
- $ 53,086,000.00 Estimated Cost of Production
$ 78,884,000.00 gross net Net Profit for Mine-Mill

(Cost estimated to drill, shoot, load, haul and leach @$2.00/ton and $2.75/ton to collect and pour
= $4.75/ton x 11,176,000 tons = $ 53,086,000.00 Estimated Cost of Production)

14,000,000 purchase price US$.

Evaluation does not include
1. Silver ore resource
2. Vein type deposit "lower Au zone" from fissure vein found under property in 2008
However the above items are included in the sale of the patent property.

*. Owner offers step-out drilling on adjacent property for a 6% royalty.

Resource established by Section Slice, Grade Envelope and Standard Polygonal modeling and calculation.
Property size is approx 200 deeded acres.
Existing Portable Mill and Smelter in vicinity can be contracted with the Seller.

History of property includes a mine with a glory hole, 2 adits, a shaft, existing dirt road access in forested mountains with moderate terrain see photos and videos.

Gold, silver and other metallic mining has occurred in the trend. This mining property has prior mining operations. Over half century ago there was mining activity on the trend.

--- ~ --- End of extracts from Owner's Offer Booklet and Prospectus --- ~ ---

Mine was not played out in its historic era. The original miners of the early 1900s moved to goldstrikes with greater notoriety. Modern mining is able to extract more minerals per ton of ore, process more economically and in far larger volumes than early days mining, hence the mine in its trend has a viable opportunity in our current modern era that includes expectations of increasing demand for physical gold and silver precious metals.

Reason for Sale
Seller has sufficient mining operations elsewhere in Nevada which reserve-resource is estimated to last another 10 years. The private, small scale company needs liquidity to further develop current operations.

Prospectus by the owner will be shared with qualified buyers after signing a Confidentiality Agreement by request to email at end of this text. After presentation to you of that specific information then introduction can be made to the Seller for continued discussions and additional information at will.

Seller has explored the mine, surrounding properties and trend for over 20 years. There are aproximately 450 pages of log books, drill maps, assay tables, geology maps, sections, profiles, 3-D computer model showing the estimated disemminated resource ore body as seen in the first video, 24" x 36" full color aerial and satellite photos with anomaly coloration studies, etc.

The owner would prefer to sell the Central Nevada property with disseminated resource to person(s) who will be directly involved in the mining. Should a buyer rather not, the buyer(s) could add working partner(s) who will maintain on-site presence, survelliance.

My association can provide personnel for management and supervision to protect the security of your investment with on-site residents should you prefer to live elsewhere and visit at will.

The Seller owns or controls the surrounding land that is approx 2/3 patent and 1/3 unpatent BLM where the Seller offers 6% step out royalty. Geological studies indicate the deeper vein lode passes through several properties. The name bearing property for the lode had a significant history of gold and silver mining.

Grass field in nearby prairie for aircraft landings is within 5 miles of the mine. Paved road access to within 6 miles of the mine. Good, graded dirt road capable for comfortable travel at 60 mph for the balance. View second video and photos below to see the pleasant natural beauty of a range of moderate hills interspersed with several mountains covered with moderate forests.

In 2008, a high grade vein deposit body was found approx. 200 feet below the disseminated deposit. It is a continuation of a historic lode from an existing neighbor mine with production results. The property is patent claim (private ownership). Current offer to sell the property has no valuation on the deeper high grade body visible in the 3-D modeling as it has not been proven yet, hence it is included at no cost.

Please also note the text in geology map at end of first video depicting a "fissure vein" with a red color. It traverses off property and through several properties. It is the "lower Au zone". Another part of that lode was operated upon by a nearby mine in decades past with significant production of gold and silver. The first video has excerpts from the prospectus that cite a "lower Au zone ... to be drilled" (not proven), hence that second, deeper mineralized vein deposit is included at no charge. The owner believes there is strong potential in the lower Au zone - making the property a great buy due to the the high grade vein type deposit.

The sale price of 14MM USD is based upon the estimate of the shallower disseminated body of mineralized gold and silver that needs a heap-leach operation, the "upper Au zone". The owner does not operate heap leach mining and processing - another reason he wants to sell the property. The owner only works high grade vein mining in small operations since the early 1980s. That is good enough for his ambitions.

I could chauffeur prospects from the Reno or Las Vegas airport with an advance notice of one week, but preferably two weeks.

Contact to establish yourself as qualified buyer(s) and request an Agreement of Confidentiality and Non-Circumvention to obtain Specific Property information: satellite anomaly photos, property photos, over 20 years of assay drill tables, geology maps, sections, profiles, 3-D computer models for preparation to discussions with the Seller for purposes of purchase and/or partnership.
